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Hair Transplants for Women

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Female hair loss

When we think of hair loss, it’s usually men that come to mind. Male pattern baldness is common, with 66% of men experiencing some degree of hair loss by age 35.

However, this is not an issue that is exclusive to men. Roughly 40% of women will also suffer from hair loss at some point during their lives. For most women, this is temporary and has no cause for alarm. For others, hair loss can be permanent and require specialist assistance.

Female hair loss causes

The causes of hair loss can be complex. Just like men, women can develop hair loss from a number of different causes, including:

  • Genetics — Your genetic makeup can play a part in hair loss in the same way as male pattern baldness. Androgenetic alopecia affects around 20% of women and is hereditary, meaning it could be a cause if the women in your family have historically suffered from hair loss.
  • Stress — One of the biggest triggers for hair loss is stress and trauma. Although stress can cause hair loss in a number of ways, the main symptom is an increase of testosterone; this is converted to DHT which interrupts the hair growth cycle.
  • Health — Your general health can also play a part in developing hair loss. Medical issues such as thyroid disease, myotonic dystrophy and lupus can all cause hair loss as a side effect. This can also occur with medication, such as steroids and birth control.
  • Hormone levels — Major life events and lifestyle changes can also trigger hair loss, most notably in pregnancy and during menopause as a result of significant shifts in hormones.

Female hair transplants

For a number of women, hair loss is permanent — yet female hair loss treatments are still available. While wigs and hair extensions are a common choice for women suffering with hair loss, female hair transplants are the only maintenance-free solution that will restore your hair without the upkeep.

FUE hair transplant for women

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is one of the two forms of female hair transplants we offer our patients.

FUE transplants are delicate surgeries, requiring patience and precision. Using a tool called a Micro Punch, our surgeons can extract individual follicular units from the scalp. It’s painless and leaves no scars.

FUT hair transplants for women

The second method of obtaining follicular units that we use is called FUT (Follicular Unit Transfer). This form of hair surgery for women differs from FUE procedures, in that this method isolates a narrow strip of follicle-rich scalp tissue. This area is immediately closed with a specialist suture, while the surgeon harvests healthy follicular units from the strip to transplant elsewhere.

Women’s hair transplant cost

Here at FUE Clinics, our aim is to provide suitable candidates with affordable solutions to help you recover your hair and your confidence. We offer female hair transplants at a fixed fee of £5,500; providing a results-driven service that is tailored to each individual’s situation and needs.

As hair loss affects each person differently, we work closely with each prospective patient to assess their eligibility and find a solution that can meet expectations. To learn more about women’s hair transplant costs, along with repayment options, visit our pricing page for more information.

If you suffer from hair loss and believe that a female hair transplant is a solution you wish to explore, get in touch with one of our trichology specialists to book a free consultation and discuss your options.


No. Whereas male pattern baldness will most commonly be isolated to specific areas of the head — most notably the hairline and/or the crown — hair loss in women does not always form in the same place. It’s also very unlikely that hair loss in women will lead to complete baldness.

As female hair loss can be caused by a number of factors, women can start to lose their hair at a number of different stages in their lives. After giving birth and during menopause are the most common stages that women will suffer from hair loss, although extreme stress can also be a trigger — which can happen at any age.

Female hair transplants take time before yielding visible results. After the first three months, you may begin to see regrowth in the transplanted area. However, your hair will only begin to appear thicker between six to twelve months. Each patient is different, meaning there is no exact time period for everyone.

You can tie your hair up straight after your initial two-week recovery period. Heat products such as straighteners and curlers can also be used after this period. You should wait at least four weeks before using products like hairspray, as it can block pores and can cause ingrown hairs.

We recommend a two-week recovery period. You may feel ready to go back to work after one week for office-based jobs, but your scalp will still be healing and will require maintenance to properly recover.

Learn more about hair transplants for women

If you suffer from female hair loss and think that a women’s hair transplant is the right next step for you — or you just want to learn more about the process — the best thing to do is to book a free consultation with one of our trichology specialists. This is a no-obligation consultation, allowing us to better understand your situation, gauge the extent of your hair loss and provide you with next steps.

Our Complete guide to hair transplants for women.

If you’d like to gather some more information to better understand the details of hair restoration, along with what options are available to you; call your nearest FUE Clinics centre today.

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